Rev. Jim Harden's Congressional Plans

6-Point Pro-Life Equal Protection Program – 2022-06-17

The following plan, developed by CompassCare CEO, Rev. Jim Harden, was released on June 17, 2022 during a virtual press conference hosted by Congresswoman Tenney, one of the lead authors of a letter demanding the US Attorney General Merrick Garland investigate the crime wave against pro-life organizations as domestic terrorism. Congresswoman Tenney promised to begin the process of drafting legislation to ensure equal protection of pro-life people and organizations from an onslaught of discriminatory state action and pro-abortion domestic terror.

9-Point Protect Women and Children from Abortion Fraud and Injury Plan – 2022-11-09

Since the unprecedented and unethical leak of the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade on May 2, 2022, the abortion industry has been protected, promoted, deregulated, and paid for by elected officials at the expense of women and children in crisis. Meanwhile, the abortion industry’s only competition, pro-life pregnancy centers, which provide ethical medical and community support at no cost to women in crisis, are attacked by domestic terroriststhreatened by pro-abortion politicians, censored by big tech, and targeted by the FBI through both abdication of duty to investigate violence against them coupled with gratuitous weaponization of legislation against them, including the abusive application of the FACE Act.

5-Point Plan to Prosecute Corruption within Federal Law Enforcement – 2023-06-09

The following plan is prescribed by pro-life strategist, Rev. Jim Harden, CEO of firebombed CompassCare, to put an end to the corruption of federal law enforcement that is persecuting Christians. Because federal law enforcement is the purview of the Executive branch, any serious Presidential candidate must have a plan to address the deep-seated corruption.

7-Point Sex Trafficking Opposition Plan (S.T.O.P.) – 2024-03-01

January 18, outside the capitol building alongside many Congressional representatives, the hard truth was revealed that abortion is the glove hiding the fingerprints of sex slavery when the question was posed why “no one is bothering to ask which abortion business was servicing Jeffery Epstein’s international sex crime syndicate in New York City.”

12-Point Plan: Cure America’s Moral Malady – 2024-11-06

The following 12-point plan is submitted to optimize efforts to secure a bright and prosperous future for the United States of America and her people.